This project, within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, seeks to support the creation of transnational and national networks and associations of VET providers. Its objective is to present proposals that seek to improve the quality and efficiency of VET, its impact and its relevance to students and employers, and to create cross-border cooperation for the quality and attractiveness of VET.
The objectives of this project within the framework of the call that encompasses this project, the only one approved in Spain and one of the 13 approved in the whole of the European Union, is to promote communication, dissemination and support for the application of the VET political agenda at national and EU level, exchange knowledge, impressions and experience on the implementation of policies and the exchange of best practices in terms of excellence in VET.
The project, the first KA3 led by the City Council of Alzira, lasts 2 years and has a total budget of € 440,077, financed 80% by the European Union to carry out different activities contemplated in the project.
The project partners are:
Valencia regional network of VET providers, represented by the City Council of Alzira, Spain (IDEA Alzira)
Public Interest Group for Basic Vocational and Further Training of the Créteil educational district, France (GIP-FCIP)
Association of Institutions for Vocational Training, Bulgaria (SIPOB)
University of Economics and Innovation Lublin, Poland (WSEI)
3s research laboratory, (Austria)
This Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.