The project aims to enhance the opportunity offered by VET to meet the economic and social needs of today’s society, as well as the needs of the future, through the creation of a partnership that brings together networks of VET providers, a VET university and a VET research institute. Each of these actors plays a different role in the VET system and comes from a country where the VET’s situation is particular.
The main idea of the project is to take advantage of the rich diversity of these points of view through sharing ideas and best practices in order to improve the quality and efficiency of VETs. Our project also aims to create standardized methods and tools for the dissemination, the promotion and the evaluation of VET’s quality in order to work within a common framework in the future with the broader objective to make the organisation of VET less confusing and more attractive among VET’s actors.
The second main objective of this project is to create a framework for discussion which aims to promote European cooperation through TOP DOWN mechanisms by fostering the implementation of EU policies and priorities, but also through BOTTOM UP mechanisms by fostering policy reflection among our partners and raising the voice of actors at grass roots level.
For more information about the new developments and the results of the project: visit our What’s New or Results pages.