About us

Vet Up for the Excellence in Vocational Education in Europe is an Erasmus + project led and managed by IDEA from Alzira, Spain. Our main objective is to raise awareness at grass root level and increase transnational cooperation and implementation of European Policies in matters of Vocational Education. We thrive to strengthen the cooperation of Vocational Education and Training providers and facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices among our partners.

Active partners are:

The City Council of Alzira, through its Local Development Agency IDEA and the Municipality of Alzira. The economic crisis in Spain had a strong negative impact on employment: As a rural city, Alzira had to face an unemployment rate of 20% in 2015. Despite the fact that the unemployment rate is recovering slightly, it remains high with an unemployment rate of 18.2% in the Region Valencia to which Alzira belongs. To counter this situation, IDEA (Alzira’s local development organization) has decided to focus on VET education by training 1000 people each year in several sectors (administration, social sanitary service, language and hospitality) with magnificent results. We truly believed in the potential of VET sector, nevertheless we note a lack of cooperation and absence of a common agreement in the Valencia region which can lead to mistrust and misunderstanding among the population. For that reason, both with the regional employment service (http://www.labora.gva.es) we are in the process of creating a Valencia regional network of VET provider for unemployed people (see the document attached to the application) to fill this gap.

The Public Interest Grouping for basic vocational and further training of Créteil (GIP-FCIP Créteil and the GRETA Network) belongs to the region of Ile de France. This region is characterised by the ageing of its population and by employers that already have difficulties in recruiting certain professional profiles. These elements show the necessity to constantly re-skill professionals to meet the needs of the future.  For this purpose GIP-FCIP aims at developing the national vocational policy on its territory. First educational regional district in France regarding the figures of its professional network for adult lifelong training, it proposes 600 professional development paths in all sectors through the six GRETAs it coordinates to accompany more than 32 000 adult trainees in 180 schools a year. Its mission is to implement and develop actions of cooperation for different services of the regional office of education in the fields of adult continuous education, professional training/integration through training and pedagogical engineering, accreditation of life experience, services / expertise to secondary schools (formal training), to the «Greta network», implementation of various local programmes designed to help young people with social difficulties to have access the labour market (prevention, support, pedagogical assistance…) and  implementation of the European strategy for employment under various forms: educational actions and investments.

The Association of the Institutions for Vocational Education and Training in Bulgaria (SIPOB) was founded in 2009  and seek  high quality for the  educational and training services offered. It investigates elements of quality and are actively committed to a continuing enhancement of its educational activity. The member institutions are united by their joined efforts to gain new good practice and positive experience. Its employees are studying innovative methods and adapting them to their training.

To this belongs the methodology of action-oriented learning, which the instructors gradually introduce and utilise in their practical work.Furthermore the association deals with the credit point system ECVET – as a partner in the . The CREDCHEM project and tray to use its results. The partner in the SIPOB take part on a lot of projects and use the SIPOB for the the dissemination and transfer of positive project results to the system of vocational training for young people and adults.

3s Forschungsverein (3s) is one of the leading educational research organization in Austria, providing a wide range of products and services around the interface of education & training and the labour market. 3s is experienced in national and European project work in the fields of initial, continuing and higher vocational education and adult education, designing projects in the fields of knowledge, learning and work. 3s’ strengths also include project management, quality assurance and evaluation tasks as well as dissemination activities in several publicly funded projects.

University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin (WSEI) is a non-state higher education institution which offer distinctive educational experience, through a range of vocationally related courses by constantly modified to match up the demands of the labor market. WSEI in Lublin has an extensive experience in the field of development different types of tools and materials aimed at shaping soft competences of different types of target groups.