The study visit in Alzira, Spain, took place as expected between the 2nd and 7th of March 2020. A total of 24 professional training providers travelled to Alzira (Spain) with the purpose to promote, disseminate and support the implementation of the VET political agenda at national and EU level. Also, to exchange knowledge, impressions and experience on this matter. The professionals who attended this transnational meeting were: the Groupement d’Intérêt Public pour la Formation Continue et l’Insertion Professionnelle networks in France (GRETA) and the Association of Institutions for Vocational Training in Bulgaria (SIPOB) in Bulgaria, as well as the 3s Forschungsverein organization in Austria and the Lublin University of Economics and Innovation in Poland.

During this period, the work package leader, in this case, the City Council of Alzira, organized a series of activities and visits in key agencies. The entities chosen for the visit represent important actors in the field of vocational training. They are part of the Network “Xarxa d’Entitats Proveïdores de Formació Professional per a l’Ocupació (Xarxa VALEM)”. This network has the participation of different public entities approved to provide professional training for employment in the Valencian Community.

Through this experience, the partners had the chance to interact with public as well as private entities. Also, they learned how the vocational training department was being managed for unemployed people. The exchange of good practices is vital within a European funded project. For that reason, a main target of this project was to create a network for partners and the public. Specifically, one that enables the continuous flow of information on the matter of vocational education.


The result of the study visit in Alzira was a successful one, given the high input of information received from the agencies in the Valencian Community as well as the round table talks and meetings between the coordinating bodies of the project. To expand more on visited entities, here you can find a description of the most impactful visits and their outcomes.